Partnered in Purpose

Balancing Family, Ministry & Business feat. Jay & Alanna Harris

Ryan & Alysia Gilliam Season 1 Episode 5

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Today, Ryan and Alysia interview Lead Pastors Jay & Alanna Harris of The Ville Church in Jacksonville, Florida about how to balance all the responsibilities of life. Jay & Alanna are successful small business owners, ministers, and parents of 10 children. Join the show to hear how they handle being everything to everybody without falling apart in the process.

Quick Episode Summary 

  • Life is short - 4:44
  • Schedules are overrated - 15:16
  • How to overcome Mom guilt - 22:30 
  • Prioritize your marriage, it must come first - 42:18
  • Move by faith not by your passion - 49:33

Follow Jay & Alanna Harris ministry on social media @thevillechurch Or visit for more information about their ministry. Be sure to visit their online boutique to buy christian apparel.